A Collection of Historical Reprints - More than a little fascinating to me
Over the years, I have collected a somewhat related collection of works that (past copyright ... or without copyright) I thought ought to be reprinted. While I have an original, and the cost of some of these is just stupid, those who just want the learning - the information - would probably appreciate a cheap but clean version for their own.
This collection is somewhat random (there are quite a few more not involved here), but do get a pretty good taste of what the Texas Panhandle, with it's bison, bison hunters, later bison ranchers and even bison cooks put together from the late 1800's to the 1950's. There is one amazing article from 1880 as well
This collection specifically includes:
- "The Buffalo and His Fate - Popular Science Monthly - 1880
- "A history of the JA Ranch" - October 1927
- "Life and Adventures of 'Billy' Dixon of Adobe Walls, Texas Panhandle" (approximately 1890)
- A catalogue of Books, Dime Novels and Pamphlets Relating to Texas ad the Southwest - April 1947
- "The Cowboy - A book of pictures about his real life" (actually, just the part on the JA Ranch and Charles Goodnight 1951
- the Best of Bison Cookbook - 1980 ish
- Card Reprint of a Poem - "Old Timer"
Separately I sell these for just under $130. Get the whole set for $70 plus shipping. You won't be disappointed.