BWC production news. Which are staying, Which are going, and when we will have more of what available.
Since virtually all the production of our fiber products is now under the loving and watchful eyes of Ron and Theresa, I though I had best share what Ron has just sent out ... so you, too, know where bison fiber socks are headed.
"In planning out our (Buffalo Wool Co's) year 2023, we have a few decisions to make, the number of styles has gotten a bit out of hand (we never expected to have more than 2-3 styles) but pretty much every one of them has proven useful and it seems that everyone has their favorite.... Here is what we will be making this year and what we will be discontinuing.

American Field Boot Socks- Changing- redesign in process, and I am kind of excited about these, they will be slightly heavier, a little taller and well... a couple of new tweaks that should keep these at the top of the heap.
Trekker Boot Socks- Keeper, Definitely gonna keep on making these, and not gonna mess with perfection, we have plenty in the works, currently out of everything except Smalls, will be restocked in Mid-March.
OTC (over the calf compression) Socks- Keeper, and were a sleeper surprise here- we made these in response to customer requests didn't have a clue how well they would do, but these were our best selling sock for 2022, will be adding a couple more colors for Summer/Fall 2023.
Pro-Gear bison/silk Boot Socks - Keeper, we just restocked all sizes. If you have worn them you know exactly why we will always make these.
Pro-Gear bison/silk Crew Socks - Keeper, almost out of stock in all sizes, but will be restocked April 2023
- Kenai Boot Socks - Keeper, awaiting more reviews, but initial impressions from friends who have worn them are extremely positive... these were socks developed for a specific purpose and specific customer in mind, and I believe we got it right. In stock for all sizes. (FYI, this sock replaces our Mil Top sock - slightly different foot yarn, same polypropylene shaft).
Yellowstone Crew Socks - Keeper, OOS in LG have a few XL, a couple of Med and some Smalls, will be restocked by June 2023.
Casual Crew- Going away, and these are my absolute favorite socks, and I wear them most of the time, but out of the package, they are rough and kind of scratchy... but after a bit of abuse, they get butter soft and are light but warm and wick really nicely. They just don't make a good first impression, almost OOS in natural (have 5 pair of lg, 31 pair of med) We will continue to make the black for police/military use.
Casual Crew 2.0 Keeper, an improvement over the original, wick a little better, slightly denser and feel a heck of a lot better out of the package. Just restocked, have all sizes available.
American Field Crew - ???? jury is still out on these, they are exceptionally nice.. but do we really need 6 styles of crew socks?
Really Really Nice Socks (just so you all at Herd Wear know ... we never had any of these $100 socks) - ENDING Just way too expensive, definitely the most comfortable socks we or anyone have ever made, production and processing costs are stupidly high and it was as much a vanity project as anything. If you have them, enjoy them.
B.O.S.S. (best overall short sock) Socks - Keeper, and again if you have worn them you know why.. Just Restocked in all sizes.
- Sleep Socks- Keeper, have more yarn in production right now (and we have inventory here at Herd Wear).
"I know I keep saying it, but it really wasn't the plan to be a sock company... they just seem to be the best use of bison fiber." Ron Miskin, Buffalo Wool Co.
Hey Ron, we all agree! Perhaps a name change to the "Buffalo Wool Sock Company"? Thanks and keep up the great works.
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