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February Antique Firearms Sale is on. A few modern pieces, too, but you will have to call me for those. Also up is the Dick Wilberforce Wildlife photography sale. See why you need one or more. The list is gone for now ... but within a couple months it will probably be back ... refreshed and with so really give-away pricing. Don't hesitate to call or mail me if you have a question about anything ......(well, anything pertaining to bison or fishing) or 817-992-8220. --- More soon ... and lots more.
Today: Still a few bison full hair winter robes on sale. Great Valentine's Day surprise ... for him, her or them both! I will work on posting specific pictures for those left. Watch the next newsletter for more special "stuff".

Horns, Heads and Hides

Just how this happened, well ... I know how ... but why?  

Herd Wear has always been about "the whole animal" ..... use what you have as completely as you can.

So we have bison hides; soft, plush, warm.  We have bison head (and butt) mounts.  Bison horn caps and skulls.  Bison leather.  So why not a few more?  In this collection are deer, elk, caraboo, kangaroo, antelope, bear a few so called "exotic" critters.  Whether for your wall, restaurant, your own production of "things" or just because we share the fascination with wildlife

  • Save 38%
    Buffalo Gold/Herd Wear Retail Store

    Skull plate cap

    from Original Price $1,255.00
    from $773.00

    Fossil Alaskan partial skull

    from Original Price $1,255.00
    from $773.00
    Save 38%