This is roughly a 30 year journey of mine that documents, in small graphics we commonly call "post cards", the American bison.
Some of the earliest cards are from L.A.Huffman's photographs on the frontier, back in the late 1800's slaughter of bison. A good number from the turn-of-the-century-before-last saviours of the few remaining bison - pictues from the ranches of Charles Goodnight; Scotty Phillips; C.J. Jones, Ralph Houck and others who saw fit to raise up those that remained. There are cards from zoos all over ... mostly US but some from France, Belgium and a few others; there are bison trained to pull carts and sleighs. Interestingly as to those, a number of them all date from roughly the 1920's and 30's ... each claiming to be the "only trained bison" in existance. Communication back then was not what it is today.
There are cards from the 1910's ... and probably half were actually posted and sent, so you have a postal stamp and usually a postal date stamp as well. Not to pry, but many of the messages and addresses are almost as fascinating as the cards themselves.
There are 40's, 50's and 60's roadside attractions with bison. Of course, a good number from Yellowstone and other state and National herds. I pretty well stopped around the 1970's, though a few crept in anyway
Anyway, most are "common", meaning that there are a quantity of them out in circulation. A reasonable number are quite rare ... several being some I have only seen one or two of ever!
Most cost $10 or less; a good number between $15 and $20. some cost me well over $100. It is always what a buyer and seller can agree on that becomes "the market" price. When I saw some I didn't have, well .... they had to come home. As will become evident below, the reserve price is just about my cost in these.
While putting this up, I went back and found another dozen cards that I thought would enhance this collection ... so I bought those, too
All the cards are either in hard plastic slip cases or thinner plastic covers.
So, what becomes of the collection is up to you good folk. I can tell you that the proceeds will go ... all of them ... to the National Buffalo Foundation to help continue the fine work of bison health research and education (and they do welcome donations - NationalBuffaloFoundation.org).
The auction for this collection will run until the end of the National Bison Association 2024 winter conference - late January 2024. (bids will be accepted there as well) ... or until the "buy it now" price - $25,000. And you are welcome to come join myself, Ron, Theresa and most of our family there ... along with another 1000 or so bison folk. It is a great experience. The food (bison, of course) is outstanding and the camaraderie even better. You will be welcomed like you won't believe.