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"The List" is gone for now,.. but plan is that by April it will be back ... refreshed and with some really give-away pricing. We keep unearthing "stuff" we forgot we had, so don't hesitate to come by, call or mail me if you have a question about anything ......(well, anything pertaining to bison or fishing) or 817-992-8220.
Watch the next newsletter for more special "stuff".

Chukka boot - bison leather - custom sizing and measuring instructions

Buffalo Gold – Herd Wear Retail Store

2000 U.S. Highway 287

Goodnight, Texas  79226

(817) 992-8220

November 6, 2018


Tracing and Measuring for custom orders:

Step one:  Call us, please.  915.247.6601; or call Cecil directly on his cell phone - 817.992.8220.  Let's have a discussion before you begin.  Thanks.


Assuming you are done with "Step one" .. the next step will be:

  • While sitting, have someone trace both feet on paper. Wear the typical sock you plan to wear with these boots, thick or thin.
  • Be sure to hold the pen completely vertical
  • Do not make allowances or adjustments .. just trace the entire foot
  • Note: If you feel that your measurement changed significantly while standing, then please do a second tracing standing

Step two:

  • Using a cloth tape measure, measure around the foot -the circumference - at the ball of the foot (the widest part, usually starting at the big toe knuckle). Do not pull the tape measure tight; just comfortable
  • Write this measurement on the tracing at the point where you measured

Step three:

  • Take a second measurement of the circumference 1 ½ inches behind the first measurement .. towards the ankle
  • Write this measurement on the tracing at the point where you measured

Step four

  • Include any additional information that could affect the fit of these boots. This could include sensitive areas such as corns, bunions, or such.   Tell us if you have a narrow or sensitive heel.  If you have a high instep, measure from the floor up over the instep to the floor on the other side. 
  • Take a photo of your foot from the top down, and of any part of your foot to which you want us to pay special attention, if any.


Mail the original foot tracing or tracings to:  Buffalo Gold, c/o Footskins, PO Box 146, Spring Grove MN  55974.  Put your name, daytime phone and email on the tracing so we can be sure to match it to your order.  Do not scan or email the tracing as that could distort the actual size.  However, do email the photo(s) of your foot to   Please, call me at 915-247-6601 if there are ANY questions.

Specify boot color, as well.  Black, Tobacco, Mahogany or Chocolate