Native Themed Woodburned wooden plate
I'm not even sure where I got this plate, but is has always intrigued me. It sure appears hand done; cannot fathom how they would mass product this. So, perhaps a scout project (except it seems too professional). Someone who has done woodburning or carving as a hobby? Usually, if there is some mass production technique then they do multiple different products, as well. (well ...surprise .. here is where I was when I started doing the "research" below!)
It does have a name on the back - Vera Brunk. and a date, '98
So, with Google's help, I believe I have the answer (even though I have had the plate for over 10 years.
From her obit in Amarillo, Texas; " Mrs. Brunk was born in Knott, Texas ... on July 23, 1923. She married the love of her life, Hanford Brunk Jr in 1964.
She was a book keeper; working for several different businesses before assisting in the family business, she and her husband had, Brunks Custom Mill Works. (which is most likely where the plate itself was made). ... (And checking further, Brunks Custom Mill Works is still in business)."
"The couple ... shared an interest and talent in woodcarving and wood burning. She was a member of the National Wood Carvers Association and taught wood burning classes to many."
It is the only one I have ever seen, though ... and right now I have it priced to let someone else share the mystery and beauty. She was a talent, for sure!