Free to a good home. We used these little bags for may of the early commercial years to package our gloves and socks. As thing got bigger, so did our thinking about packaging. These actually have our Buffalo Gold on the pull string in Gold printing. We don't need them and i hate to just trash them. So, for a nickel and shipping, you can get a pack of 25
The cardboard bottom is 4" x 4"; flat they are 8" wide and 10" tall. Pulled they are about 8 x 4 x 4.
They come (I believe) 25 bags to a pack. Right now please limit your "buy" to one pack per month until we see that there are more than enough to go around. We have quite a few left. One pack ships first class, which is usually under the shipping charge; two packs have to ship Priority mail which will be like $9-$14 ... so again, just one pack unless we make other arrangments.
If you only want a few ... like maybe 4 or 5, just drop me an email and I will send them out without you having to go through the ordering
You pay the $5.95 shipping and $.05 (our system doesn't recognize "free" so we had to put something nominal in.