By J. Evetts Haley
The so-called "bible" on the life and adventures of Charles Goodnight. Haley lived with Goodnight (on and off) for four of Goodnight's later years, taking down the details and making them validate in terms of times and places. This is the story of the Texas panhandle and how Goodnight and his wife, Molly, kept the Southern plains bison from extinction.
Available currently as follows
- New Paperback
- Several older hard cover editions (1977 and 1949)
- A "gift" type leather bound collectors edition; the same book dressed up to show off.
- And one (sorry, has been sold) 1936 first edition, with several vignettes by Harold Bugbee ... original Bugbee art! This copy signed by both the author Haley) and the illustrator (Bugbee).