Paul and Dorothy Goble
On the morning of June 25, 1876, a force of 700 men from the 7th US Calvary led by General George Armstrong Custer attacked an Indian encampment on the banks of the Little Big Horn River. Unbeknownst to Custer, he faced the combined might of the Lakota, Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes, led by their greatest chiefs, Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse.
Advised by his Indian scouts not to attack, the foolhardy general ignored their warnings and trusted to "Custer's luck" one last time. . .
In this commemorative edition of his first published book, Goble recounts the tale of Custer's last battle through the eyes of Red Hawk, a fictional young Lakota warrior. Presented in the shorter format that Goble originally intended, and combined with a new author's introduction and a foreword by Joe Medicine Crow, the Crow tribal historian whose grandfather was one of Custer's own scouts, readers will marvel at this tale of honor and bravery.