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"The List" is gone for now, as are the Wilberforce collections ... but within a couple months they will both both be back ... refreshed and with some really give-away pricing. We've still got a warehouse full of "stuff", so don't hesitate to come by, call or mail me if you have a question about anything ......(well, anything pertaining to bison or fishing) or 817-992-8220. --- More soon ... and lots more.
Watch the next newsletter for more special "stuff".
The Virtual Shopping Tour of the Herd Wear Retail Store .... taking off

The Virtual Shopping Tour of the Herd Wear Retail Store .... taking off

Not all of you can make it through here.  Many of you get to come once a year, but a great many are our "long distance" friends and customers.  If you really want to see the store, with NO OBLIGTION to buy anything, let me take you on a personal tour.

The website has probably less than 1/3 of what we have in the store ... we just cannot add it all.  Plus, we love so many of the one-of-a-kinds we get from artists and artisan's across the US.  Most of those do not go on-line.

How does it work?  You and I ... just whomever is on your end and myself - hook up on Google Meets, Zoom, Facetime ... whatever platform you are comfortable using.  Just like walking in the store front door, we use the phone or ipad camera to walk you past the bison meat freezer, the t-shirt display, the leather small goods .... but you get to say "stop", let me look at those whatever's in more detail.  And so, we do ... you guide the tour, I hold the "camera" and do the narration about the product.   You ask all the questions you want and I try to sound intelligent about what you are seeing.

The jewelry counters and displays; men's and ladies vests, bison hide coats, Vinson furs and the "critter" counter, leather goods .... and we are only in the "small part of the store".

Don't be bashfull!  We have done a number of these live on line tours, and it is really great fun.  We get to interact and banter; you get to experience first hand the museum-like quality and vast range of "all things bison" and beyond.

We can do 5 minutes or an hour; totally up to you ... just like walking in and browsing

Schedule your tour at your convenience ( thought we like to do them in the evening after the store closes - fewer interruptions.)

See you on line at the Herd Wear Retail Store very soon.



Previous article 2021 - Month 2 - February, 2021
Next article Gehl's Jerky is back in stock! Yea!


Cyndy Slovak-Barton - February 11, 2023

Mr. Cecil,
My husband and I came by the store on Friday. He ended up buying socks and a hat, but I was having a sugar low and you sent out a “buffalo” hotdog to the car. That helped me so much. Thanks for being so very caring.

So, do you ship the buffalo meat? That was the best I had ever eaten. I would love to have some shipped to us in Buda. Please let me know. Until then, I will keep pole vaulting (that will help you remember us), and I think your products are great. We’ll be back to your store when we get back in that part of Texas.

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