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Today: December 25. A heartfelt Merry Christmas to all. Now, go tell someone who means a lot to your world the same thing. Shopping just might wait another day or two. Truly the best wishes for family, friends, religious freedom and respect to all. Above all else, hope and prayers for those who need it most. Cecil
Today: December 25. A heartfelt Merry Christmas to all. Now, go tell someone who means a lot to your world the same thing. Shopping just might wait another day or two. Truly the best wishes for family, friends, religious freedom and respect to all. Above all else, hope and prayers for those who need it most. Cecil

Charles Sinclair - extraordinary craftsman; extraordinary person ... and great friend

It's now been close to 13 years ago that we met Charles and his two sons.  Little did we suspect then the depth to which the friendship would grow, or the breadth of Charles talents ... in leather, wood, steel, fur  of which I would become a part.  

Charles makes such unique and well constructed "heirlooms" that you have to put your hands on them to be sure your eyes are not deceiving you.

Coats, functional bows (Charles and the boys are exceptional with bow and arrow; atlatl and throwing knives), knives, sheaths, quivers, purses and possibles bags ... we never know what will show up next.

 We thought you all ought to see some of what he creates ... and come to understand why he does it.

And of course, it is all "for sale".