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Today: December 25. A heartfelt Merry Christmas to all. Now, go tell someone who means a lot to your world the same thing. Shopping just might wait another day or two. Truly the best wishes for family, friends, religious freedom and respect to all. Above all else, hope and prayers for those who need it most. Cecil
Today: December 25. A heartfelt Merry Christmas to all. Now, go tell someone who means a lot to your world the same thing. Shopping just might wait another day or two. Truly the best wishes for family, friends, religious freedom and respect to all. Above all else, hope and prayers for those who need it most. Cecil

BOOKS - Wild Lands for Wildlife: America's National Refuges


By Noel Grove  1984

The year of publication was well before everyone had a phone and was a photographer.  As you would expect from a National Geographic publication, the wildlife photography is exceptional.  The author tries to personalize as many of the U.S. National Wildlife Refuges, without over taxing the reader.  Vintage copies in good to excellent shape.    Pre-owned or bookseller returns.

A wonderful way to bring your children further into the natural world they will one day (hopefully) inherit.  Read with them and discuss their role and responsibility in preserving our natural world ... including bison.

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