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Today: December 25. A heartfelt Merry Christmas to all. Now, go tell someone who means a lot to your world the same thing. Shopping just might wait another day or two. Truly the best wishes for family, friends, religious freedom and respect to all. Above all else, hope and prayers for those who need it most. Cecil
Today: December 25. A heartfelt Merry Christmas to all. Now, go tell someone who means a lot to your world the same thing. Shopping just might wait another day or two. Truly the best wishes for family, friends, religious freedom and respect to all. Above all else, hope and prayers for those who need it most. Cecil

Cecil's Personal Art

After years and years of collecting "All fine art bison and buffalo", including a good number of original pieces from some seriously talented artists, I am running out both of years and wall space.

So, art with which I would never have parted 10 years (and way more) ago are up for grabs.  Packing, shipping and insurance will all be done by the Fed Ex Store in Amarillo.  I'll bring it to them and you will take it from there.  They have been great to work with for years ... and I want these to arrive just as pristine as when they left.

Or come by and pick them up yourselves.  If you buy them before I close the store I can still hold them for you at my new place across US 287 until you can come by to get them.