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"The List" is gone for now, as are the Wilberforce collections ... but within a couple months they will both both be back ... refreshed and with some really give-away pricing. We've still got a warehouse full of "stuff", so don't hesitate to come by, call or mail me if you have a question about anything ......(well, anything pertaining to bison or fishing) or 817-992-8220. --- More soon ... and lots more.
Watch the next newsletter for more special "stuff".

BOOKS - The Last of the Buffalo: Return to the Wild


The fascinating story of the just completed movement of bison by helicopter into the wilds of Alberta's Banff National Park. The mover behind this effort .. successful effort, I might add, is a gentleman resident of Banff named Harvey Locke.  It is his book and story.

But the "bonus" with this book is in the back pocket of the book ... and additional book - the reprint of the 1908 book Harvey's Grandfather did about the original transfer of the American bison herd .. or part of it .. from the Flathead Indian Reservation in Montana up to Banff, Alberta Canada by rail, and the dispersal of that herd to stock other Canadian parks.  

Two books; two stories - one historically accurate and important saga in preservation of bison in North America.

Published by Summerthought Publishing

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Darren E.D. (Nevada, United States)
The Last of the Buffalo: Return to the Wild

A superb book! It even contains a replica of the original souvenir brochure. Really, really nice!