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New Turquoise and Silver Jewelry,
Friends, things are more hectic than ever around the Herd Wear Store ... and thank you all for that. We have gotten in quite a load of new (and pretty spectacular) jewelry in the past 30 plus days.
Some is new stock from Silver Pearl Ranch; some is from 3 vintage estate auctions; some is from another of our Native sterling and turquoise supplier in Arizona ... and Franklin Kee has also done some new pieces just for us.
If I took the time to get each of these stunning pieces photographed properly and descriptions written up, it would be mid-March before they were available, SO....trying something a little different today
If you see something you might like call me - 817.992.8220. Be patient - there is only 1 and 3/4 of me and only one phone. Or email me with a time to call you. My apologies for the cell phone photos, it was those or nothing.
Some really choice real jewelry still in plenty of time for holiday giving..