Hand Scraped Bison Hide Native style drum
"Dave" .... the man behind the drums (last name still unknown after over 20 years of dealings.... is the best there is. He does not take shortcuts; he's fired more people for not doing it correctly .... and ultimately has gotten to where it's just him and his talented and lovely wife, Sonja Holy Eagle (yes, we do know her her family name). Sonja does the painting; Dave makes the drums. He hand scrapes the bison hide to both remove hair and to get the right uniform thickness so the drum has the same tone as those made several hundred years ago. It is haunting to sit and drum ... or listen. Truly takes you back. These are the only real traditional drums commercially made; I've put my hands on the "others". Not even close
Anyway, great sounding, great looking, lifetime and more bison hide and log drum. This one only discounted way down!