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February Antique Firearms Sale is on. A few modern pieces, too, but you will have to call me for those. Also up is the Dick Wilberforce Wildlife photography sale. See why you need one or more. The list is gone for now ... but within a couple months it will probably be back ... refreshed and with so really give-away pricing. Don't hesitate to call or mail me if you have a question about anything ......(well, anything pertaining to bison or fishing) or 817-992-8220. --- More soon ... and lots more.
Today: Still a few bison full hair winter robes on sale. Great Valentine's Day surprise ... for him, her or them both! I will work on posting specific pictures for those left. Watch the next newsletter for more special "stuff".

Goodnight Texas Bandana


These are 100% American made - American cotton, woven in the USA, printed in the USA and cut and stitched here, too.

Only 2 colors left as of March 2024 are Maroon and Purple.  These will be the last ... at least for a while

Sturdy, fade resistant (but nothing holds it's color forever in this Texas panhandle sun!.)

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Norma S. (Texas, United States)

Beautiful color and excellent fabric!

William A.P.W.A.P. (New Mexico, United States)

Goodnight Texas Bandana

J L.W.J. (North Carolina, United States)
Bandana Too Small

Bandana is well made and comfortable material, just not quite large enough to tie around my neck. I would pay more as well as give it a 5 star review if it were larger. you may want to consider making one man size.

J Lee: One day I'll get around to putting up the history of that all American cotton bandana - American grown, American spun, woven, cut and printed. Thank you for recognizing the American quality.

We do sell a lot of the silk cowboy wild rags in 3 sizes 20' x 20', 34.5'x 34.5' and 42.5' x 42.5' (the bandanas are 20' by 20'). If you want, we can 'trade out'. Great for keeping the wind out....

Thanks for your time and your thoughts; always appreciated.


Curly F. (California, United States)
Goodnite Bandana

Sooo nice to find an unique alternative to the common ones you find/see everywhere.
the orange can be used for hunting as well!

Kenny (Michigan, United States)
Fun and good quality face coverings!

Multi use face coverings for the whole family!

We love the profuct. Cecil and the team at Herdwear are great!
