BOOKS - "Catalogue Number 25" - Featuring BOOKS PAMPHLETS etc, H. D. Bugbee art for sale (then).
This is a booksellers offerings from December 1063. It is a superb little "Catalogue" with both an exceptional ORIGINAL photo (that is gently pasted inside -could be removed and framed!) and a thoughtful bio of H. D. Bugbee. Mr. Bugbee had passed away just before this came out. This Catalogue featured a truly wonderful selection of his works that at the time were FOR SALE.
The author of the biography was C. Boone McClure, the then the Executive Secretary of the Panhandle-Plains Historical Society - the folks who own and manage the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum in Canyon, Texas. PPHM had and still has one of the most complete Bugbee collections in existence. McClure knew Bugbee so well. It is a real tribute.
Holding this little piece can't help but put you on the dusty plains of West Texas in the 30's ... dang near a hundred years ago. Near perfect condition.