He came wandering into the store; found Mark Hanson's Gibson 6 string ... and off he went, in "concert". About 45 minutes later, I was not only a fan, but a friend.
TJ is the real thing - he lives the American West, he believes in the American West and he portrays it in everything he does.
It is the honesty, the raw, the humor in little things. This is easy reading, at a time when easy reading is a rare and wonderful thing to enjoy. You just might enjoy what TJ has put together. Want one of his CD's? He'll gladly sell you one pretty dang cheap. Great traveling music, I must say.
Try just a little TJ Casey .... and there always seems to be just a little more good stuff around the next curve. Looking forward to another concert one of these fine days back here in Goodnight Texas when TJ Casey comes wandering back in.