BOOKS- Between Sun and Sod - An informal History of the Texas Panhandle
by Willie Newbury Lewis. Originally published in 1938, this book was re written and re published in 1976.
Mrs. Lewis was the wife of Panhandle rancher William J. Lewis. While "Between Sun and Sod" didn't get a lot of traction when originally published, her biography of William - "Tapadero", written in 1972, did apparently well. It revived interest in her earlier work
With the help of another great Panhandle historian and author - Fred Rathjen - the work was revised (they say "tightened"); the original Harold Bugbee sketches found and used again and here is the result. A rather laid back look but the Bugbee drawings are worth the whole price! Fred Rathjen's introduction is also a book within a book - excellently pulling together the following work. 171 pages