Ten historic “full date”…. The date on the coin may be worn and faint….
but all four numbers are there.
The "informal" grading standard are (1) "no date" ... where the passage of time, hands, bagging, rubbing .... have worn the date part of the nickel to where you really cannot see any of the numbers. These are the ones turned into buttons or snaps, or usually used as decoration on lots of products - hat bands, key chains, purses etc. We have used literally thousands of them over the years in expanding "bison" products
"Partial date" ... where one or more of the date numbers is still sort of visible.
"Full date" .... all 4 date numbers are there ... may be faint but turned just the right way you can see 1913-1938 date. These groups are "full date". and do some checking ... these are prices well below the E-bay and Etsy pricing. Since we have bought so many from reputable coin dealers, every once in a while we get a chance at a "deal". This was one of those.