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February Antique Firearms Sale is on. A few modern pieces, too, but you will have to call me for those. Also up is the Dick Wilberforce Wildlife photography sale. See why you need one or more. The list is gone for now ... but within a couple months it will probably be back ... refreshed and with so really give-away pricing. Don't hesitate to call or mail me if you have a question about anything ......(well, anything pertaining to bison or fishing) or 817-992-8220. --- More soon ... and lots more.
Today: Still a few bison full hair winter robes on sale. Great Valentine's Day surprise ... for him, her or them both! I will work on posting specific pictures for those left. Watch the next newsletter for more special "stuff".

Knives - Damascus Steel & Other Custom Creations

Knives are tools in their most basic sense.  From stone blades to sophisticated materials, they still have utilitarian function.

That is how we got into knives.  Yes, I have used some of our blades to "process" bison ... and fish, birds while working hard to keep fingers out of the way.  In that process and in talking with knife makers - both large scale and hand crafters, I learn.

ANZA knives out in sunny California is a quality small production company.  More on then with the ever changing Anza grouping.  Exceptional knives,  As they tell it, "Our knives are built for the Collector, Priced for the Sportsman, and made for the Workman!" 

Cowboy Knives:  These are the guys that use knives all the time ... and learn what 'good' steel is.  Some of them repurpose horseshoe rasps, plow blades, truck springs and other tough steels into cutting tools.  The handles are often pieces of wood they find in their daily activities.  These come and go.  Usually have a few.  Don't see them on line give me a call

Fascinated with Damascus steel .... steel "plywood" made for centuries in the middle east.?  Our Damascus steel knives are directly imported by us from both the Iqbal and Mehmood factories in Wirzabad, Pakistan ... the Damascus steel capital of the world for years and years.  We have gotten to know Awais Ahmad Iqbal as an honest and dedicated knife maker.  In all our transactions, we have gotten exactly what we expected ... first quality steel and workmanship at a very reasonable price.  Tahir Mehmood has joined our group more recently, but he offers a different flair.  Again, first quality at exceptionally good prices.

We import very little ... but these knives are a superior product and a very good price.

We also have a few of Charles Sinclair's American made Damascus steel knives, not all are on the website.  Prices on Charles's incredible fixed blade knives, all with custom sheaths, start at $495 and run up to about $900.  We can certainly get you photo's if you are interested.  Just call 915-247-6601 and we can talk about it.

The "Cody" knives are also from Charles Sinclair ... but not Damascus steel.  Great story and very useful tool

  • Buffalo Gold/Herd Wear Retail Store

    Dave Book Working Steel skinners

    from £134.00

    Dave is a workin' cowboy.  He was on the XIT Ranch, but is out in New Mexico currently.  His knives are hard to get, and made to work. FOUR OF THES...

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    from £134.00