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Back in Goodnight and hard at it. Bob and I are continuing to clean both the website and the Distribution Center. My sincere apology to those few that order things that we didn't have; trying very hard not to let that happen. I am told that we will have bison down fingerless gloves back in stock very soon ... I have seen and tried on the production samples and they are perfect! This is huge, so keep an eye and ear out. I will send out a specific email once we know that they are in route. Will blog about the National Bison Association Conference shortly. Don't hesitate to call or mail me if you have a question about anything ......(well, anything pertaining to bison or fishing) or 817-992-8220. --- More soon ... and lots more.
Today: Still a few bison full hair winter robes on sale. I will work on posting specific pictures for those left. Watch the next newsletter for more special "stuff".
Yep;  We went fishing!

Yep; We went fishing!

I've been saying "I want to do more fishing".  Well, G'daughter Meghan, D-in-Law Theresa, son Ron and I headed to La Paz Mexico and 4 days on the water (7 days on the ground).  Wonderful family time.

Ron and T have a "business associate" - Jonathan Roldan and his "TailHunter" International fishing service, bar, restaraunt, music venue .... and just all around good guy!  They both have booths at Dallas Safari Club close to each other ... and have for over 10 years.  So, Ron and T set us up with Johathan.  Sure glad they did!


My contact in La Paz are Ken and Roseanne Mayer - KEN FISHING.  They moved from being my neighbors in Goodnight (and Ken my goose and crane hunting buddy) to "retirement" in Mexico.  So ....

2 days fishing with Ken and his guide; 2 days with Jonathan or his guides.  Four beautiful days on the Mar de Cortez.   That is Meghan in the first shot.


It was just great ... and will be an annual event.  We all caught all the fish we cared to catch.  Anyone care to join us just let me know and we will get you the information.  La Paz is safer than most US cities; it is still 1960's Mexico with a strong American Ex Pat community; a great tourest interest without being "touristy".  Food was exquisite, from the local taco stands on up.  We walked from our Air BnB to shoping and restaraunts without ever having an issue or feeling insecure.  

But enough about me!  There is one more great fish story that I will related in a later blog.  Anyway, retirement beckons... and feels great!  




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