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"The List" is gone for now, as are the Wilberforce collections ... but within a couple months they will both both be back ... refreshed and with some really give-away pricing. We've still got a warehouse full of "stuff", so don't hesitate to come by, call or mail me if you have a question about anything ......(well, anything pertaining to bison or fishing) or 817-992-8220. --- More soon ... and lots more.
Watch the next newsletter for more special "stuff".
Barbie and Bison?

Barbie and Bison?

Well, I don't think there is much of a story there, but if you ladies (or guys ... ) want to "Barbie" up,

We have still a supply of pink bison leather (guess we were ahead of the fashion world), and a few already put together bison leather ladies canoe/soft sole walking boots available.

We have Footskins working on a few all pink low mocs ... and can have them do a knee high or chukka version.  Just saying that Pink is the new .... er... hot color.  Also have a few pair of toddler and infant mocs/booties in this "Barbie" pink ordered ... so, stay tuned or give me a call with what you would like.   Thanks, Barbie: 



Previous article Three X's (or XXXL sizing).
Next article Never know for sure to what you will awake ... and then of course, if you will

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