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"The List" is gone for now, as are the Wilberforce collections ... but within a couple months they will both both be back ... refreshed and with some really give-away pricing. We've still got a warehouse full of "stuff", so don't hesitate to come by, call or mail me if you have a question about anything ......(well, anything pertaining to bison or fishing) or 817-992-8220. --- More soon ... and lots more.
Watch the next newsletter for more special "stuff".

BOOKS - "The True Story of Nickel The Baby Buffalo"


Children's book.

 Nice true story and wonderful illustrations.  Copies signed by the author "with love".  But always remember, no matter how tame bison seem, they are, but instinct and birth, wild ... and big!

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Kari V. (Washington, United States)
Nickel the baby buffalo

Love this story! So happy to find it! We bought it in Colorado 20 + yrs ago for young daughter, she loved it….lost book and I ordered this book for her 2 yr old daughter, so happy to find. My daughter will be thrilled this Xmas 2021! ( she misses a lot of her childhood books) This one very special! Good read for her daughter!! We visited the Buffalo refuge in Colorado where Nickel lived, he’d just passed away earlier.