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"The List" is gone for now, as are the Wilberforce collections ... but within a couple months they will both both be back ... refreshed and with some really give-away pricing. We've still got a warehouse full of "stuff", so don't hesitate to come by, call or mail me if you have a question about anything ......(well, anything pertaining to bison or fishing) or 817-992-8220. --- More soon ... and lots more.
Watch the next newsletter for more special "stuff".
The Biggest Ever Bison-centric Art Sale

The Biggest Ever Bison-centric Art Sale

     Over the past 30  years I have bought (and sold) and collected a crap load of bison (and western, cowboy, animal, Native ) prints, originals, statues, sketches, work studies ... all kinds of what I consider to be great stuff, like the colorized version of Albert Bierstadt's Last of The Buffalo (also available in sepia-tone, partial image, etc.


or his Buffalo Trail

     Starting out there were 39 original works, over 400 framed pieces, and 5 flat files of prints, sketches, artifacts, historical articles and photos ... 

There were 9 decorated bison skulls ...  mostly some huge bulls.

It is time for most of it to go to new homes (and offices, libraries, museums ... yes, there are a number of that quality art pieces).

Several of my high end collections have been delivered to Ahlers & Olgetree Auction House in Atlanta, GA.  They will be featured in their February 24, 2023 live on line and in person auction.  The      

collection will be live and pre-bidding open as of January 27, 2023.  These folks are the "real deal" when comes to cataloging and appraising "the good stuff".  Please take a look at our (and their other) superior auctions.

     The framed art is on sale in the store only - or using the "shop by Zoom" or "FaceTime" (or Google Meets) option.  

     All framed art will ship from the Amarillo Fed Ex store - they box, insure and ship - you will deal directly with them on cost and payment for that part.  They do a great job, but it is not cheap.

Or come on in and pick out, pick up and take home.  

Previous article The National Bison Association January 2023 Winter Conference .... (a bit late!)
Next article What lies ahead?

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