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December 11, 2021
Thank you all who got your seasonal orders in early, so we could get them on the way; it was pretty overwhelming ... but with only one or two exceptions it got accomplished.
My apology for ignoring the finer points of the HerdWear website. We did find a few extra hours in the days prior, but used them up on friviolous things like taking good care of our customers requests and breathing. * look at the bottom for the explanation of how this came to be. Marshall, Ron, Isaac and I are all working to get both inventory, pricing, new products up and out-of-stock down ... so feel free to call me - Cecil - on my cell - 817.992.8220 if there are any questions.
All that now out of the way, it looks like we will be back in Moyle tanned bison hides by the middle of January. More as it happens. Yes, prices will be somewhat up - probably $1150 - $1850, but if you want to reserve one, give me a call or write me at
Also, for any of you that might want to attend, the National Bison Association will hold it's usual (except for last year) Conference and Gold Trophy bison sale in Denver (Stapleton Renaissance Hotel - Great Great people there). Look for details on Come enjoy the larger bison family ... become a part whether you own "critters" or not. The bison centered meals alone are worth the trip.
And if you are not signed on to son Ron's weekly email list .... you are missing some great "stuff". Let him know at Yes, I am prejudiced in his favor, so so are roughly 25000 other folk. Damn proud of the kid and his better half, Theresa.
More later; back to store cleaning and stocking ... still 14 days till Christmas; 11 days till Ron's some outrageous number of years b'day and 13 till the aniversary of the birth of their youngest daughter, the "megster". (She's fine and wonderful and living in Chicago when not traveling the world).
Thanks for all.
* Recently on a silly media (oh, is that redundant) site called BuzzFeed there were "mommy memes", the funniest of which I thought was the mother who posted that her 7 year old daughter had been home from school for 30 minutes and had talked for 50 of them!!
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