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Hope all in your world is moving smoothly. Big news here is (1) we had our new Red Oak and Lacy Bark Elms planted and (2) the National Bison Association Winter conference - Year 30 - happens in just a couple weeks and (3) blessed moisture in the form of snow. Hope you are all stocked up on warm gear. Still have lots of "cozy and snug" for sale ... and predictions of more serious cold to come. Watch the next newsletter for more good stuff. and don't hesitate to call or mail me right now you will get at the front of the line). More soon ... and lots more.
Today: Snow ... and more warm and cozy for sale still. Bison robes on sale for the only time this year. Watch the next newsletter for more special "stuff".
#1 of 300 - John Wayne Commemorative Winchesters

#1 of 300 - John Wayne Commemorative Winchesters

These are not for sale on line; I can't do that.  But I was so excited to actually get this pair I had to blog about it.  Over the past 8 or so years I have had only 1 other of the carbines that Winchester did in this John Wayne tribute/commemorative series back in 1981.    That one I donated to the Rich Zarringer charity shoot our great friends at Rocky Mountain Natural Meats puts on each year.  Others I have bid on went way way higher than I was willing to go.  

From the auction house website:  "Winchester Model 94 John Wayne 1 of 300 Matched Set of Commemorative Large Loop Saddle Ring Carbines, #JWDM217/JWM217, .32-40 Win. cal., 18" barrels, both carbines are in excellent overall condition and appear unfired: 1) #JWDM217 features a blued barrel, burnished gold receiver, large loop lever and barrel bands. Receiver is roll engraved with a stagecoach scene on the left side and cattle herding scene on the right. The scenes are bordered with the names of John Wayne's films. The saddle ring is retained, and the right side of the barrel is etched." 



This pair does not come with the boxes .... no idea of where they went but they were not available.  So, these will come with walnut hardwood display stands .... and a couple boxes of the John Wayne 32-40 cal bullets.

There is some conflicting info on the various John Wayne Commemorative Rifles from Winchester, so I have ordered the definitive authority publication.  However, it looks like this pair sold for $12,000 back in 1982.

If anyone is interested (and they are priced south of that for sure), give me a call!  

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