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"The List" is gone for now,.. but plan is that by April it will be back ... refreshed and with some really give-away pricing. We keep unearthing "stuff" we forgot we had, so don't hesitate to come by, call or mail me if you have a question about anything ......(well, anything pertaining to bison or fishing) or 817-992-8220.
Watch the next newsletter for more special "stuff".

Blue Buffalo Howlite faced bison bull skull


Artists Jackie and Mark Hanson, right here in Goodnight Texas, worked on these two huge bull skulls for a month.  The process is hands on and intensive to create, first working the skull to accept the stone and then laying and filling.   (White is sold; turquoise is available).

Howlite, commonly called White Buffalo Turquoise, are the natural stones they used in covering these two huge bison.  Technically, these are not "turquoise" covered, but they sure resemble turquoise in both color and veining.  These are both absolutely stunning.  I've never seen any stone covered bison skull this massive or this striking.

The copper wrapping over the edge of the horn cap just sets off the piece.  The horn caps themselves were left natural, with all the scars of years of rut and survival.  If you want a showpiece, here they are!

The blue one is 28" tip to tip and 27" tip to jaw.  Any way you look at it these skulls each cover an area of close to 4 square feet each!

These two bison bull skulls were massive without the stones, certainly over 10 years old.   With the Howlite, grout and copper they now weigh in excess of 30 pounds.  We will provide a wall hanger strong enough to hold it up ... if you want to hang it, or it can sit on a table, hearth or porch just as is.

We prefer you pick them up here in Goodnight, but if you want them shipped we will take them to the shipping center of your choice in Amarillo, Texas for them to get to you.  Fed Ex and UPS both have several stores, and there are quite a few independent shippers.  If you need assistance with shipping, let me know.

$2350.  (plus shipping, of course) 


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