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"The List" is gone for now, as are the Wilberforce collections ... but within a couple months they will both both be back ... refreshed and with some really give-away pricing. We've still got a warehouse full of "stuff", so don't hesitate to come by, call or mail me if you have a question about anything ......(well, anything pertaining to bison or fishing) or 817-992-8220. --- More soon ... and lots more.
Watch the next newsletter for more special "stuff".
The second La Paz, Mexico fishing story ......

The second La Paz, Mexico fishing story ......

I promised I would have another couple fishing stories ... and this one is a good one (at least I think so).  In the first, I let you all know about son Ron and my Rooster fish.  They are one of the real anglers "bucket list" fish.  You may remember how thrilled Ron and I were .. I got my one and he got two our second day of fishing!  (and they all were photographed and released)

Mosts anglers would give serious body parts to get one.  Ron got a bit puffy chested at his second one.

So, imagine how he felt at the end of day four ... the only day Meghan; Theresa and Ron's youngest ... and Theresa came out fishing.  They took one boat; Ron and I took the other.  They had the faster boat; they got to the bait boat before we did; they headed back to the fishing grounds.  They also took a detour to      photograph the Mobula rays;  ... the flying  

  stingrays of the Sea of Cortez.  Theresa's nature photography is just spectacular ... and has been for years.

Anyway, we caught up to them about 10:30.  They talked about catching a few snapper and loosing a nice Dorado ... and that they had enough; would meet us at the nearby hotel for lunch.  We fished; did well and met them for a nice lunch.

We got back to our hotel ... about an hour drive; sat out by the pool and the ladies left for some exploring and shopping.  Up till now, no further discussion of their day fishing.  I go to take a nap ... and about 5 minutes into it Ron comes hard knocking on my door ... his computer in hand.  "Look at this" he nearly yells!  I look.  There on Theresa's Facebook page is this picture of her with a Roosterfish.   

Meghan and Theresa caught FIVE Roosterfish in about 45 minutes; didn't think it was any big deal .... and called it a day.  So much for Ron and my "macho" adventure .... but in truth it really did make us proud.  



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