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The Biggest Ever Bison-centric Art Sale
Over the past 30 years I have bought (and sold) and collected a crap load of bison (and western, cowboy, animal, Native ) prints, originals, statues, sketches, work studies ... all kinds of what I consider to be great stuff, like the colorized version of Albert Bierstadt's Last of The Buffalo (also available in sepia-tone, partial image, etc.
or his Buffalo Trail
Starting out there were 39 original works, over 400 framed pieces, and 5 flat files of prints, sketches, artifacts, historical articles and photos ...
There were 9 decorated bison skulls ... mostly some huge bulls.
It is time for most of it to go to new homes (and offices, libraries, museums ... yes, there are a number of that quality art pieces).
Several of my high end collections have been delivered to Ahlers & Olgetree Auction House in Atlanta, GA. They will be featured in their February 24, 2023 live on line and in person auction. The
collection will be live and pre-bidding open as of January 27, 2023. These folks are the "real deal" when comes to cataloging and appraising "the good stuff". Please take a look at our (and their other) superior auctions.
The framed art is on sale in the store only - or using the "shop by Zoom" or "FaceTime" (or Google Meets) option.
All framed art will ship from the Amarillo Fed Ex store - they box, insure and ship - you will deal directly with them on cost and payment for that part. They do a great job, but it is not cheap.
Or come on in and pick out, pick up and take home.
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