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October 15, 2021
Very different times, for sure. Some products we are either out of or will be shortly .... hats being one, unfortunately. Bollman ... and the other few hat makers .... are feeling the squeeze of labor, costs, retirement and more orders than then can fill in a year!
Fortunately our sock knitters; Fox River Mills, are working as fast as they can on our orders. Most styles and sizes in stock for the moment ... and the new Over the Calf compression sock from Ron and Theresa's Buffalo Wool Company is just now rolling in. Great new addition to the sock line.
New vests and coats from Loma Vista of Texas - the finest bison leather garments I have ever seen!
And there is more .... call and we can talk about it ... or just explore the website to see what you have not seen before.
We are working hard to keep bison at the forefront ... and American. We can overcome the challenges of these times together ... just as our ancestors did with other challenges. Stay focused; stay alert and stay together .. that is the only way we succeed.
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