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February Antique Firearms Sale is on. A few modern pieces, too, but you will have to call me for those. Also up is the Dick Wilberforce Wildlife photography sale. See why you need one or more. The list is gone for now ... but within a couple months it will probably be back ... refreshed and with so really give-away pricing. Don't hesitate to call or mail me if you have a question about anything ......(well, anything pertaining to bison or fishing) or 817-992-8220. --- More soon ... and lots more.
Today: Still a few bison full hair winter robes on sale. Great Valentine's Day surprise ... for him, her or them both! I will work on posting specific pictures for those left. Watch the next newsletter for more special "stuff".

"Stagecoach" by Charles M. Russell


This is a reproduction; not an original Russell bronze.  It is right a 4 feet long!  It weighs well over 100 lbs (packed shipping weight with pallet was over 300 lbs!

It is a very good reproduction, thought I do not have the history on this piece.  I have seen several like it ranging anywhere from $4100 to $7250 ... and there are several apparently licensed castings.  The C. M.Russell signature is cast into the bronze as authentication.  I have also seen a smaller (20" long") version for upwards of $2500.

Anyway, it is heavy; it is very detailed and seems to be in excellent shape.  We will not ship this; either you come get it or we find an independent delivery driver to bring it to you.  But you want an impressive and historic piece on display in your home or office?  Hard to beat this one!

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